
Lectures in English

Although some of the advanced Physics lectures are taught in English, the bachelor level courses are primarily taught in German and, when an international student is not in the course, advanced topics may also be taught in German out of convenience.  It is recommended that unless the course specifically states that it is taught in English that you reach out to the professor prior to the first lecture to determine if an English lecture is possible. Should an English lecture be possible, this allows the professor time to prepare the material in English.

Nebenfach lectures

Other Faculties may or may not offer courses in English even when asked. Therefore, it is important to determine all the courses you will take for your minor (Nebenfach) and make sure they are offered in English ahead of time. As students are given an incredible amount of flexibility in choosing the courses they take both for their Physics degree as well as their minor; care must be taken to ensure you are able to obtain the required CPs for your minor in order to graduate.  Please review the current course of studies document (Prüfungsordnung) from the examination office (Prüfungsamt) carefully to determine the current  equirements for graduation.

First Lecture

Things you’ll learn at the first Lecture

The requirements to obtain the CPs for a lecture and to be eligible for the exam to obtain a note (Grade) is largely at the discretion of the Professor. These details are discussed during the first lecture and, if a tutorial is associated with the course, the schedule for the tutorial will also be discussed. Additionally, the schedule for the course may also be discussed during the lecture and may be altered in the event a significant portion of the students have a conflict with the course.

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