Imagine spending three weeks of your summer in the beautiful countryside – and with access to some of the darkest skies – working with other young people from all over the world on an astronomical project of your choice. The International Astronomical Youth Camp (IAYC) is a summer research camp aiming to promote knowledge on astronomy and related sciences in a unique international atmosphere. Celebrating diversity is deeply embedded in the culture of the camp – we are dedicated to making the camp accessible to all, and we especially welcome applications from minorities in STEM.
Each year the IAYC takes place in a different remote location, and it will be in the Netherlands this year. The IAYC is different from most astronomy camps for two reasons: (1) it has a strong international character and (2) you will design and carry out your own small research project. You will not just accept facts, but you will discover them for yourself. We are proud of the incredible variety of projects that have been carried out during the camp over the past 50 years, which include building rockets and rovers; constructing radio telescopes; astrophotography; cultural astronomy; computer programming and machine learning; exoplanets; stellar evolution; cosmology; and so much more. We have a diverse network of previous IAYCers, who have all gone on to fulfil a diverse range of roles in science and beyond.
By night you will have access to a number of different telescopes, whether you are a complete beginner or a savvy expert. By afternoon (the morning is for sleeping), you will explore astronomy-related projects in one of seven working groups. The groups are led by young scientists and focus on a specific topic related to space and astronomy. There is something for everyone, from the complete beginner to the ambitious student. This year the working groups are:
BRAT SUMMER 2 – Big-data Research And Telescopes: Studying the Universe with Modern Machine lEaRning of 2day
HAGGIS – Hunting and Analysing Growing Galaxies In Simulations
LUCKY – teLescopes, fUn and a Clear sKY
RIZZLER: Researching IoniZing Z-mediated Leptons in Electromagnetic detectoRs
SPARTA – Signal Processing, Antennas and Radio TrAnsceivers
STORYTIME – STars On the Radiant skY Truly Inspired Mythology on Earth
YAPTOPIA – Young Academics Promoting Trust: cOllimating Philosophy with scIence and Astronomy
YEARN – quantifYing the ExpAnsion of the univeRse with distaNt objects
As well as the astronomical programme, there are many non-astronomical activities such as group games; sporting events; cultural, singing and poetry evenings; hiking tours and an excursion.
Anyone from 16 to 24 years old and able to communicate in English (your English doesn’t have to be perfect) may participate in the IAYC 2025. The fee for accommodation, full board and the whole programme, including the excursion, is 1130 EUR and the application deadline is 9th March 2025. We also have grants available, for those who would love to attend but do not have the funds.
For more details, application and grant forms, outlines of projects and pictures from previous camps please go to Follow us on instagram (@iayc_astro), Blue Sky (, Facebook, or sign up to the mailing list here, to keep up to date with news about this and future camps.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Best wishes and clear skies,
The IAYC Leaderteam